Maternal Transfers for High-Risk Pregnancies

Catawba Valley Medical Center, in conjunction with Catawba Women’s
Center, is now able to accept maternal transfers from area hospitals to
facilitate immediate access to our Level III NICU for high risk mothers
and infants.
This team of care providers for high-risk pregnancies includes 8 Board
Certified OB-GYN physicians from Catawba Women’s Center, 2 Neonatologists,
6 Certified Nurse Midwives and 6 Neonatal Nurse Practitioners. Additional
services include physical therapist consults for women on bedrest, lactation
consultants available seven days a week, Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists
for in-patient consults and Level II ultrasounds available two-three days per week.
High-risk patients should be considered for care at CVMC if they are/have:
- 26 weeks gestation or greater
- In early labor with complications
- Preterm ruptured membranes and no labor
Certain high risk conditions will require services beyond those available
at CVMC including:
- Women in need of a platelet transfusion
- Women with hematology complications including Von Willebrands & hemophilia