Men’s Screenings

The following medical screenings are recommended for men from age 18 through
adulthood. Some screenings, such as cholesterol, blood pressure, and prostate,
are offered on a regular basis for free or at low cost at the Health First
Center. Check our monthly schedule of events for upcoming screenings.
Men Aged 18-39*
- Full Checkup with Height, Weight, Skin and Testicular Exams at least every 3 years
- Blood Pressure Check Yearly
- Blood Tests for Diabetes, Cholesterol, and Kidney Dysfunction at least
every 3 years
- Urinalysis at least every 3 years
- Electrocardiogram (EKG), if family history, discuss with physician
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases – both partners should get tested,
including HIV before initiating sexual intercourse
- Eye and Ear Exams, if problems occur
- Dental Exam is recommended 1 to 2 times a year
- Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster every 10 years
- Influenza Vaccine
Men Aged 40-49*
- Full Checkup with Height, Weight, Skin and Testicular Exams at least every 2 years
- Blood Pressure Check Yearly
- Blood Tests for Diabetes, Cholesterol, and Kidney Dysfunction at least
every 2 years
- Urinalysis at least every 2 years
- If you are African American or have a father or brother who had prostate
cancer before age 65, you should talk to a health care provider about
the pros and cons of prostate cancer testing so you can decide if testing
is the right choice for you
- Colorectal Screening, Colorguard (every three years), CT colonography (every
5 years), discuss with MD if you have a family history
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases, both partners should get tested, including
HIV before initiating sexual intercourse
- Eye (including Glaucoma Screening if your have family history or if you
are African-American) and Ear Exams every 2-4 years
- Dental Exam 1 to 2 times a year
- Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster every 10 years
- Influenza Vaccine, discuss with physician
Men Aged 50-64*
- Full Checkup with Height, Weight, Skin and Testicular Exams yearly
- Blood Pressure Check yearly
- Blood Tests for Diabetes, Cholesterol, and Kidney Dysfunction yearly
- Urinalysis yearly
- You should talk to a health care provider about the pros and cons of prostate
cancer testing so you can decide if testing is the right choice for you.
- If a long-term smoker, discuss benefits/risk of lung cancer screening with physician
Colorectal Screening:
- Colonoscopy at least every 10 years
- Colorguard every three years
- CT colonography every 5 years
Fecal Occult Test yearly
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy every 5 yearsInfluenza Vaccine yearly
- Shingrix vaccine for Shingles,a two-shot series separated by 2-6 months
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases, both partners should get tested, including
HIV before initiating sexual intercourse
- Eye (including glaucoma screening if your have family history or if you
are African-American) and Ear Exams every 2-4 years
- Dental Exam 1 to 2 times a year
- Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster every 10 years
Men Aged 65 and Older*
- Full Checkup with Height, Weight, Skin and Testicular Exams yearly
- Blood Pressure Check yearly
- Blood Tests for Diabetes, Cholesterol, and Kidney Dysfunction yearly
- Urinalysis yearly
- Rectal Exam yearly
- Discuss with health care provider about the pros and cons of prostate cancer testing
- Electrocardiogram (EKG), discuss with physician
- If a long-term smoker, discuss benefits/risks of lung cancer screening
with physician
Colorectal Screening:
- Colonoscopy at least every 10 years
Fecal Occult Test yearly
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy every 5 years*
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases, both partners should get tested, including
HIV before initiating sexual intercourse
- Eye (including glaucoma screening) and Ear Exams every 1-2 years
- Dental Exam 1 to 2 times a year
- Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster every 10 years
- Influenza Vaccine yearly
- Prevnar 13 one time at age 65 and Pnuemovax 23 one year later
- Shingrix if you have not already received it
- Shingles Vaccine – one time only
*National Comprehensive Cancer Network are the guidelines adopted by Catawba
Valley Medical Center’s Community Hospital Cancer Program