Estimate your Healthcare Cost
Thank you for selecting
Catawba Valley Medical Center for your healthcare needs. We are committed to helping you prepare for
the financial obligation associated with the services you receive.
Our cost estimator is a patient-friendly tool that will use your most current
insurance information to calculate your out-of-pocket costs for hundreds
of services provided at Catawba Valley Medical Center. The tool is free
to use and does not require any usernames or passwords. You will be asked
for your insurance information (if insured) as well as minimal demographic
information. Uninsured patients can still use the tool, estimates will
be calculated applying our self pay discount to the service charges.
Patient Financial Advisor
We have partnered with Experian Health to offer a mobile experience that
provides patients with an estimated cost breakdown of scheduled hospital
services based on Catawba Valley Medical Center’s payer contracted
rates, real-time patient benefit information and provider pricing. It
also provides methods to make a secure payment. For any questions related
to this new service, please call (828)-326-3393.
Important Items to consider
The estimate provided is for services done at Catawba Valley Medical Center
or Catawba Valley Imaging Center only. The estimate will not include potential
costs for professional services, such as radiologists, pathologists, or
This cost estimate may include other services most often performed with
this type of procedure or treatment. The other services are based on data
from cases performed in the past.
We encourage all patients to contact their insurance carriers to fully
understand their insurance benefits, including deductible amounts, coinsurance
percentages and out-of-pocket maximums.
Estimate my Healthcare Costs
Frequently Asked Questions
Does my insurance plan cover the services?
Please contact your insurance company to confirm that we are a participating
provider for your insurance policy. Your insurance card will help you
locate the Customer Service contact information for your insurance company.
Once the service is provided, we will submit a claim to your insurance
company. Any non-covered services will be billed to you per your insurance
company's guidelines.
How is the estimate created?
You will select your insurance company (Payer and Plan) and enter your
specific policy information. The estimate will consider your personal
benefit levels at the time the estimate is created to provide you an estimate
of your out-of-pocket costs.
Your estimate is based on any remaining deductible, coinsurance percentage
and any copay requirements along with your insurance's allowable amount
(also referred to as the negotiated contract rates).
How will I know if the estimate is correct?
The estimate is determined based on the insurance benefits that are available
to the hospital at the time the estimate was created. If the test you
select differs from the order your physician provides, the cost may change.
Also, if there are complications, adjustments, or added services during
your exam or procedure, the estimated cost may change as well.
Does the estimate show the final amount for the service?
The actual costs for a service provided may change based upon the specific
care provided at the time of service.
Some services may include professional fees that would be additional to
hospital costs for the test. You may receive a separate charge for those
professional services if they are used for the test you are estimating.
What if I change insurance or my insurance doesn't cover this care?
The estimate is valid only for the insurance information you provide during
the estimate process. Estimates will vary based on insurance plan coverage.
If you are not covered by insurance or become uninsured, you may qualify
for insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Please contact Catawba Valley
Medical Center's Financial Advocates for further details on payment
options at 828-326-3393.
What about Cosmetic tests or procedures?
For Cosmetic tests or procedures, please reach out to our Catawba Valley
Medical Center Financial Advocates at 828-326-3393 and they will work
with you on providing the pricing and estimated costs for cosmetic services,
as they are not typically covered by insurance companies.
What about my privacy?
This estimate may contain private information that is legally protected.
It's only for you to use. If you are not the patient, you need to
know that sharing, copying, or acting on this information is against the law.
Who do I contact for assistance?
Please contact Catawba Valley Medical Center’s Financial Advocates
at 828-326-3393.
The information provided is a hospital estimate and is not a guarantee
of final billed charges. Final billed charges may vary from hospital estimates
for various reasons, such as the patient's medical condition, unknown
circumstances or complications, final diagnosis and recommended treatment
ordered by the physician. Professional fees, such as physician, radiologist,
anesthesiologist and pathologist fees are not included in this estimate.
Insurance benefit information (where applicable) is based on information
provided by your insurance company as of the date of this estimate. Benefits
and eligibility are subject to change and are not a guarantee of payment.