Purchase Your Ticket for Casino Royale Catawba
September 14, 2024

It’s time for Casino Royale Catawba, Catawba Medical Foundation’s
signature fundraiser! This year we are headed to Vegas for an exciting
evening of fun!
This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, September 14, 2024.
Plan to try your luck at the silent auction, or one of many casino games
as you enjoy raffles, entertainment, and heavy hors d’oeuvres. The
ticket price is only $100 per person if you purchase before Aug. 1 and
$125 after. Each ticket includes beer and wine*, food, and a $10,000 token
to be exchanged for gaming chips. (*A cash bar will also be available.)
You’ll find all recent news pertaining to the Catawba Medical Foundation
activities and events, here.
Throughout the year, the Catawba Medical Foundation hosts a number of fun,
exciting events to raise funds and increase awareness of the hospital’s
various services and needs. At each fundraising event there is an opportunity
to invest in your community through sponsorship, event volunteering or
personal giving to powerful causes. We invite you to participate!
You may also wish to read our
2022 Gratitude Report, which shows how we helped CVHS through one of the most challenging years
in our lifetime.