Catawba Seniority

Where Seniority is Status, Not Age!

seniority at CVMC and the Health First Center

Certain privileges come with seniority. That’s why Catawba Valley Medical Center offers Catawba Seniority, a FREE program exclusively for those 50 and above.

Membership Benefits are:

  • 25% Discount for Health First Center classes, programs and screenings.
  • 30% Discount at CVMC’s Cafeteria
  • 10% Discount at CVMC’s Gift Ship
  • 10% Discount on Lifeline Rental
  • 10% Discount Fitness Plus
  • Catalyst Discount Prescription Card

Catalyst Discount Prescription Card

Catalyst Scripts may help you save on prescription costs. Catawba Valley Medical Center is concerned about skyrocketing prescription costs and the reality that older adults account for the majority of prescription purchases. When given the opportunity to participate in a national program that could benefit our members, we wholeheartedly accepted.

As a result, we are pleased to provide you with a new, no cost opportunity to save money when purchasing prescription medications. Best of all, there is no cost to you to participate in this cost savings program.

The Catalyst Scripts card designed to help you get the lowest price available for prescription medication at a participating pharmacy. Complete details will be delivered with your memebership card.

For additional information on Catawba Seniority contact Carol Robinson, Senior Services Specialist, at 828.485.2696.

Become a member today! Apply below.