Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the process for an Educational Experience at CVHS?

    Organizational Learning is the first contact for students requesting an educational experience. You can contact Organizational Learning at 828.326.3576.

  2. Do you offer paid internships for students?

    No. Internships are unpaid only.

  3. What is required to begin an educational experience at CVHS?

    Catawba Valley Health System must have an active Educational Affiliation Agreement with your school to place you in an educational experience. If your school does not have an agreement with us, one can be developed; however, be aware that it can take 4-6 weeks to create a new agreement, so plan accordingly.

  4. What is the dress code for students?

    Professional attire is expected however it is requested that Learners do not wear scrubs or lab coats unless being an approved uniform of the program of study.

    Absolutely no denim clothing or blue jean colored clothing, skorts, shorts or transparent, see-through, low-cut, tight, or revealing clothing. Closed-toed practical shoes are required in clinical areas. Limited use of colognes/body sprays/lotions is requested to prevent allergic reaction and/or nausea/vomiting for our patient population. For safety and infection prevention reasons, jewelry and makeup should be minimal and conservative. CVHS Infections Prevention policy prohibits artificial nails or tips. Natural nails should be trimmed to a safe length, clean and, if painted, not chipped or worn.

    Please see your School Program Coordinator for the full dress code policy.

  5. Do I have to wear an ID badge?

    Yes. The student’s ID badge should include the student’s name, picture, school/college/university and program of study. While in the learner role, the name badge must be worn at all times and be worn near the shoulder area so the name and photo are clearly visible. The student’s school should provide this ID badge.

  6. I have graduated from my school; can I still participate in an educational experience at CVHS?

    Student learners are required to be affiliated with a school to participate in an educational experience at CVHS.

  7. Am I required to go through Blood Borne Pathogen and HIPAA training?

    Yes. You are REQUIRED to complete annual training provided by your school/college/university prior to your educational experience at CVHS.

  8. As a student, where am I permitted to park?

    Students are required to park in employee parking lots only. Students are not permitted to park in visitor or patient parking lots.

  9. What if I'm an out-of-state educational institution, is my school approved?

    Visit this page for a list of approved out-of-state educational institutions.