Summer Food Safety

Summer should be a time of fun and relaxation. With an increase in eating on the road or away from home, along with the warmer temperatures, the potential for foodborne illness increases.

Use these tips to help lower your risk:

• Check the “use by” and “sell by” dates on products before buying

• Choose perishable items last when shopping

• Wash fruit and vegetables in water before eating- even if you are going to peel them or the package says “prewashed”

• Wash hands before and during food preparation, if on the road, carry and use hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes

• Take only the amount of food that you will need- don’t plan for leftovers

• Avoid creamy or custard foods

• Put your cooler in the passenger area of your car rather than in the truck

• At the beach, partially bury the cooler in sand and cover with a light blanket, tarp or towel to reflect heat

• Keep cooler lid closed as much as possible; pack drinks in separate cooler since it will be opened often

• Cook meat thoroughly so no pink is visible in the center

• Use a clean plate for serving food, not the one that held raw food

• Do not let the juices from the meat touch other foods

• Serve food quickly and put leftovers back in cooler promptly

• Do not let food sit out over 2 hours in weather less than 90 degrees and over 1 hour if weather is hotter than 90 degrees

• Reheat leftovers to at least 165 degrees


This safety tip was provided by Lynn Delserone, RD, LDN, CVMC Bariatric Outreach Dietitian. For more tips related to food and weight management, please contact her at the Surgical Weight Management Center 828/326-2905 or “like” the Surgical Weight Management page on Facebook:
