Happy Halloween from CVMC's smallest patients!
This year, we went back a few decades to find inspirations for our costumes.
These NICU babies are dressed as vintage characters such as Popeye, Mario
& Luigi, Bob Ross, Mr. Peanut, Rainbow Bright, and more!
This Halloween celebration has been an annual tradition at CVMC for the
past four years, beginning in 2020. The photos are shared on social media
for the community to enjoy. This year, social media viewers shared comments
such as "This brought tears to my eyes! So beautiful, thoughtful
and just wonderful. I love seeing these every year," "The best
part of Halloween is seeing the NICU’s costumes," and "Oh
the time and effort. Oh the unique and amazing outfits. Just wonderful."
To learn more about CVMC’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, visit us
online at
CatawbaValleyHealth.org/NICU. To view the full album of photos, visit.facebook.com/CatawbaValleyHealthSystem